As a planner myself, I don’t just label myself as a wedding planner. I knew that my acute sense of logistics and eye for detail would serve me perfectly in both wedding and business event management, but what I didn’t know, and fully grasp, was the actual difference between weddings and business events.

I feel that my job has many facets and many names. This probably stems from the fact that I didn’t train to be a planner at all. I studied Marketing Communications, before achieving my Masters in Fashion Merchandising and Management, after which I then embarked on a decade-long career in Fashion Merchandising.
When I decided to set up La Fête in 2016, I didn’t yet realise that so many of my skills would be transferable into the events world.
Ultimately, an event is an event – right? Whether you are getting married or celebrating your birthday or hosting guests at a store opening.

What is the common denominator of all these events? It’s a celebration. Most events, if not all, are celebrations, milestones that need to be marked in time by people gathering.
It’s interesting to look at this also from a Human behaviour point of view, and sociological aspect. We are happy, we want to be in groups to celebrate – and toast each other’s success. We are sad, we want to curl up and, in most cases, be alone, or accept a single hug.
So, you may ask, what is the difference between a wedding planner and a business event manager?
Well, the main difference when it comes to separating events into sectors is the emotional attachment from the client.
Understandably, for a wedding, a birthday, anniversary or any private or social event – there is a strong underlying emotional involvement from the client. It is personal, very much so.
Whereas a business or corporate event, even though the staff representing the company are dedicated, and it may be a smaller family-owned business, it is a corporate event.

The emotion is a minute element to the event and is thought of more as the emotion the guests should feel upon being at the event – how should they feel? What should they remember?
In event management, regardless of the event you do, you are there to bring the vision of your client to life at 110% of what they expect. The ease with which you deliver it and involve them is also crucial.
And of course, the delivery of the event itself is paramount. There will be issues, ALWAYS! Do not believe any planner (whatever they plan) who swears that there has never been a hiccup or last-minute drama at one of their events.
I could write a book on last-minute dramas and issues to be honest, but that will be for when I’m retired and have time! Coming back to it though, a good planner in top-end wedding planning or luxury business events will always be at the top of their game if they are able to seamlessly anticipate and navigate these issues, without the client or guests realising.
I always say that the night before an event I am having constant nightmares with all the scenarios that could go wrong and as I’m in my sleep, I am resolving them all, one-by-one. So, when I wake up, the morning of the event, I have a huge strong coffee (needed after a night of nightmares), and have every single solution imprinted on my brain – ready for the day.
I’m obviously not saying that I have 100% always predicted everything and am some sort of witch, but I will say that it’s my way to run through everything and manage in a very robotic, proactive way any situation that comes my way.

In short, whether you are a wedding planner, a business event manager, a party planner, an event manager, or simply a planner. We all do the same job and are all great at what we do.
The only difference is that some of us are trained and equipped to deal with more emotionally involved clients than others.
I definitely feel that it’s a strength to identify whether you are better suited to one rather than the other, obviously through trial and error, and then find your path and grow in it. Planners are not a luxury, we are a true need to both private and corporate clients.
In the busy, non-stop, constant world we live in and the pressure of social media, we have a pivotal role in delivering the vision our clients have but just do not have the time, ability or bandwidth to dedicate to it.
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